Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Attention Seekers Beware

The crowds are moving back and forth with anticipation. The young and elderly are migrating between the few spots in the shade for sitting and somewhere with a perfect view. He was sitting beside me, roughly 5 feet away, paying no attention to his surroundings. Hours before he had woken everyone up early, the pains of hunger chipping away at his small figure. He wanted something sweet, something with chocolate. The stains of which were still on his shirt. 

He sat on the steps in the shade, unsure of what was happening, he reached for an iPad from the bag beside his caretaker. The iPad, although the miniature version, was large in his hands. He stretched his legs out onto the steps in front of him leaning his faded yellow new balance sneakers on the edge. Rocking his head back and forth while moving his thumbs about the sticky screen. His vision was intensely focussed on the game. Nothing else around him existed.

The people started cheering and running as fame moved by on four wheels. But he didn't look up. He was winning his game, unaware of the phenomenon that was occurring. Another young boy with an iPad came running up and shouting at the boy and the man sitting next to him. The boy had captured culture on a slightly less jam covered screen. The seated boy looked up, shouted back and readjusted on the steps. The people previously sitting around him were now standing, obstructing his view of the crowd. But he didn't seem to care. The game was afoot.

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